Thursday, April 1, 2010

Swimming Tip of the Week: How To Get the Chlorine Out of your Locks

We've all had that chlorinated build-up in our hair at one point in our lives or another.   I am here to tell you that you don't need a "special" swimming shampoo to get that lustre back in your locks.

All you need is two ingredients that are easily found in your kitchen cabinets: Baking soda and vinegar! It's so simple, so cheap, so easy, and it works like a charm!

Combine the vinegar and baking soda to make a thick paste. Don't forget about that chemical reaction that takes place when you mix the two together!! ;)

Mix together with your finger to create a thick paste.

Work into hair while in the shower. Let stand in your hair for a few mintues. Rinse well. Condition as normal.  There. Chlorine free hair!

You can also pack a small container of this miracle paste with you when you go to the pool!

Happy training!!!


  1. Is it ridiculous that I am over the moon excited about this! I know I'll need it this summer!

  2. Very cool! I have been thinking about picking up swimming this summer... bookmarking this post now... :-)

  3. Great tip! Do you use this after every swim or just every so often?

  4. Love the pics!



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